Access the New York Times via Library Resource

Several folks have inquired recently about accessing the New York Times via library resources.

Presumably, this is due to recent changes in access-related policy at the New York Times.

The full archive is no longer freely available on the NYTs website.  Currently, those with an existing print subscription have full access to online content.  Personal digital-only subscriptions are also offered. Those without any subscription may view up to 20 articles per month.

The library’s Proquest Periodicals subscription will provide access to the NYTimes (East Coast edition).  This is the fastest way to get there: Click HERE.

Although it does look/navigate differently than the old interface, the article content is the same.

If you are off-campus & need access to this resource, please take the following steps:

  • Login in to using your SPS username and password.
  • Click the Ohrstrom Library link.
  • Select Proquest Periodicals from the database menu (see below):
  • Once in Proquest Periodicals, use the Publications search tool to locate the New York Times:

Click and browse/search!

If you are an educator, you may be interested in the New York Times classroom edition program.

Please email lsanborn at sps dot edu with any questions about locating periodicals from library databases.

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