New Archives Exhibit: In Celebration of Cricket

A new archives exhibit is in place in Ohrstrom Library and a new online exhibit is now available through the Ohrstrom Library Digital Archives. A selection of photographs are on display in the library on the upper level display cases located in the lobby.  These photos from the archives collection outline the history of the sport of cricket at St. Paul’s School, and the continuing tradition of Cricket Holiday.

Last Thursday saw the announcement of the fall term’s best known and most anticipated surprise, Cricket Holiday, but it is possible that only a few students are aware of the history of the sport that brought it into being. The archives photo display, accompanied by excerpts from Arthur Stanwood Pier’s book, St. Paul’s School 1855-1934, helps to illustrate the strong tradition of cricket at St. Paul’s School.

Additionally, an online exhibit, called In Celebration of Cricket, provides further information gathered from researching the details of specific photographs using the resources in the St. Paul’s School archives. Fourteen images have been selected for the exhibit from the thirty-two photographs that have recently been digitized and added to the archives online database from the archives collection.

Next time you are in the library take a few minutes to view the physical exhibit, and click through the link below to view the online exhibit as well.

In Celebration of Cricket



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