Congratulations to the Form of 2024!

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The Ohrstrom librarians would like to extend our congratulations to the Form of 2024!

photo credit: Michael Seamans, SPS Photographer

Graduation is a special day, rich with tradition. At St. Paul’s School, we know all about tradition! But at the same time, it celebrates growth, change, and new adventures. This Sunday, when our Sixth Formers officially become Alumni/ae, they will head off into the world, taking their years at SPS with them. We wish them all the best!

“It is especially hard to think that we must say good-bye…to friends…whom we have had the good fortune to make here. That is something that every one of us feels…One does not feel like talking about these things, but they are so real and important to us that we naturally echo the thoughts expressed here before by many others, which heretofore we never fully understood. And when we consider what a privilege we have had in going to school here, what opportunities to make friends and form our characters, we cannot but be thankful. Time would have passed anywhere, but not to so great advantage and with such happiness as here.”  (Horae Scholasticae, 17 June 1924)


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