Here is another idea for summer reading, this one courtesy of Ms. Seymour:
“Looking to read with a buddy this summer? For those whose reading partner is at a different reading level—or even for those who aren’t—here are a few thematic book pairings from across the Ohrstrom Library collection. Read one or both from each pair, according to your ability and interest, and compare notes with your buddy!”
It is kind of like a book club for two people! Here is an example: Born a Crime is a memoir by late night talk show host Trevor Noah, which recounts his childhood in South Africa through a series of stories about his life and family. The book has also been adapted for younger readers in It’s Trevor Noah. Whichever edition(s) you and your book buddy decide to read, it is sure to lead to a meaningful conversation.
Interested? Looking for more suggestions? See our list below or ask an Ohrstrom librarian for more recommendations!
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