Meet Your Librarians!

What is the best way to get to know a librarian? By getting them to talk about books, of course! You may have noticed that we have a new face at the front desk in the evenings. We are very happy to introduce you to our new Public Services Assistant, Ms. Nicole Jache.

We asked Ms. Jache…

What was your first library?

“The first library I worked in was as a student at Manchester West High School and I volunteered at Hooksett Public Library after school at the same time.”

Who are your top five favorite authors? 

“J. K. Rowling, Kristen Britain, and K. M. Shea. These authors, I will always read what they write. Most other authors I only like a few of their books but don’t like others they have written.”

What are your three “desert island” books?

“An escapism book, to get my mind off where I am; an audiobook version of “The Martian”; and a book about building a Swiss Family Treehouse-like setup.”

What is the last book that made you laugh or cry or both?

“Any book where the dog dies, I am crying!”

If you could time travel, when and where would you go?

“I would like to go to the future 50 years from now, to see if there is anything that I could do now to help change the world for the better.”

What is your favorite room in Ohrstrom Library?

“I like looking over the upper floor balcony to Lower School Pond. The angle is fantastic, it makes it look like the library was built over the water.”

What was your favorite subject/class in school?

“I loved my science and math classes. I struggled with English classes in middle school because I didn’t want to read the assigned books – now I work in the library – go figure!”

Why do you like being a librarian at SPS?

“I love helping students learn and find new things. I love challenges, puzzles and learning new things.”

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