Lura Sanborn – Reference Librarian
Are you looking for a great recreational read over the break but have already devoured everything by your favorite author? Would you like to find books of a similar nature written by different authors? If so, try searching NoveList through EBSCO and you may discover new favorites.
1) Click HERE to visit Ohrstrom Library’s website and select EBSCO from the database menu.
2) Then select NoveList (over to the right, see below).
This database will allow you to find author “read-alikes” specific to your subject criteria.
3) Conduct a search of your favorite author.
4) Select a title retrieved from your search. Then, click on “Find Similar Books” (over to the right under the book image).
5) Select the subject headings that are important to you and then hit the search button.
6) Review your results to find something that sounds like an interesting read. Many of the books listed in NoveList have excerpts from the first chapter available to read online – click the “First Chapter” link at the end of the book listing to test drive your selections. You can also go back to the search list and make adjustments to your keyword selection to find new results.
7) Check Ohrstrom’s WebCat to see if the book is in our collection or make a request via Interlibrary Loan. Enjoy reading your new discoveries!
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