It’s hot outside, but we have plenty of cool reads inside here at Ohrstrom Library! This week, we are sharing a post from Ms. Yarborough, who is just back from her three-week hiking trip across the Emerald Isle. She writes:

“It’s probably not surprising that when a librarian goes on vacation she chooses a country that has historically relied on stories for its very survival. Researching Ireland’s literary and oral traditions was not my purpose for traveling to Ireland though! I went to County Kerry on the west coast to walk the Dingle Way, now often called the “Kerry Camino”–perhaps because the original name elicited a few too many giggles. Then I crossed to the east coast and hiked the Wicklow Way in County Wicklow before ending my trip in Dublin.*** However, I couldn’t help myself and made some bibliophilic stops along the way, including Great Blasket–the home of Peig Sayers, Tomás Ó Criomhthain, and Muiris Ó Súilleabháin, Sweny’s Pharmacy, Trinity College Library’s Long Room and the Book of Kells.
I prepared for my hike by picking up a few books by Irish authors. Since I am not particularly fond of reading non-fiction for pleasure–biographies excluded – I parsed together a working knowledge of Ireland’s fraught history, topical issues, and pop culture references through a range of newer fiction reads and memoirs, as well as some of the country’s canonical literature. If you have a trip to Éire planned or just want an excellent read for your staycation this summer, here are some books that offer a window into Ireland’s history and culture.”
***No, I did not attend the Eras tour while I was there! I barely managed to escape Dublin the Friday before Swifties (and the equally fanatical All-Ireland Senior Football Championship attendees) descended upon the city.
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