The Library of Congress and WGBH (Boston) have launched their American Archive of Public Broadcasting site.
What is it?
From the About page: “The Library of Congress and WGBH in Boston have embarked on a project to preserve for posterity the most significant public television and radio programs of the past 60 years: The American Archive of Public Broadcasting.”
What is IN it?
Currently, about 72,000 digitized public radio and public television broadcasts.
From their Searching the AAPB Website page: “The AAPB website consists of nearly 2.5 million metadata records, 72,000 of which describe video and audio content that has been digitized by the AAPB.”
Can I get just the digitized content? And just the radio broadcasts?
After conducting a search, the limiter on the left will allow for filtering including source type and digital availability.

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