A new online exhibit, called Places of Invention: Science and Mathematics at St. Paul’s School, is now part of the Ohrstrom Library website. This online exhibit is based on a more in-depth Archives photograph exhibit now on display in the upper level of Ohrstrom Library. Here is an excerpt from the introduction to the online exhibit:
With construction of the Lindsay Center for Mathematics and Science now well underway, it is fitting that the St. Paul’s School community reflects back upon the places that have served the study of science and mathematics so well throughout the School’s history.
Photos from the Archives were scanned specifically for the online exhibit including this image of a Biology classroom in the Westinghouse Lab:
The online exhibit features images ranging from the first science lab built on the St. Paul’s School grounds in 1889 to the architectural renderings of the Lindsay Center for Mathematics and Science, now under construction. The main gallery of thumbnail images includes links to individual pages that feature larger images and brief descriptions. There is also a slideshow of the images that can be initiated from any of the pages in the exhibit.
Take a few moments to browse through the gallery of images and follow the development of the places that have helped to facilitate the high standard of education in mathematics and science that has been a part of the St. Paul’s School vision from its very beginning.
Visit the online exhibit by clicking HERE.
Visit the full Archives exhibit in the upper level lobby of Ohrstrom Library.
Terry Wardrop
Very impressive! I wonder whether it would be appropriate to mention that the picture of the Moore interior was of the ONE large classroom on the top floor – used for (among other events) weekly faculty meetings, typing classes, and SAT prep classes. The other classrooms were (are) all much smaller. The large room was where the students famously attempted to lock the teachers in during a faculty meeting by putting a padlock and chains around the main doors and by supergluing the windows closed the night before the meeting. Unfortunately they forgot the locked second door which led to a classroom, which the mathematics teachers unlocked in order to “escape”. There was a big stink about this because it was so expensive to unglue the windows.
I was wondering whether there should be a link at the Library’s home page specifically called “online exhibits”, so that it would be easier for patrons to find them, or even to be aware that these resources exist.
Finally, would it be possible to have a “next” and “previous” link when looking through the detail section of the gallery images?
Lisa Laughy
What great information on the Moore classroom photo! There must be so many of these kinds of stories that aren’t captured in the official School histories – all part of the rich history of SPS.
Thanks too for the suggestions for better navigation – very good feedback.
Lisa Laughy
Hi Terry –
I have added “Previous Image” and “Next Image” buttons to the bottom of the individual gallery pages. Thanks for the great suggestion!