Cultivating the School Lawn
This photograph shows students working in the furrows on the School Lawn (present day Schoolhouse Lawn) as part of the war efforts implemented at St. Paul’s School during World War I. Behind them the three faculty houses on Jerome Ridge can be seen, originally named School Cottage No.1 – No. 3. The Horae Scholasticae from May 5, 1917 describes this event:
St. Paul’s, in order to help increase the substantial food produce of the country, intends to do her part by planting in the open lots about the School such products as the boys themselves can farm. None of the land devoted to athletic interests is to be disturbed, but all the open lots, which at present are quite unused, behind the School, next the Lower School, and in front of the Chapel, are to be ploughed up and sown with potatoes and oats by the boys of the School. One hundred and thirty-seven boys have volunteered to help in this patriotic work, which will begin in a few days, as already some of the lots are ploughed up and ready to be sown. Every boy who has volunteered to help should indeed feel that he is doing something that will materially benefit his country.
The St. Paul’s School Record for 1917 records in the School Chronology that the first planting of the Chapel and School lawns was done on May 15, 1917.
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Type: Image, Photograph
Location: Concord, Jerome Ridge, New Hampshire, Schoolhouse (School) Lawn, St. Paul's School
Building: Conover House (School Cottage No. 1), School Cottage No. 2, School Cottage No. 3
Rectorship: 1911-1938: Fourth Rector Drury Years
Date Created: 1917, May 15, 1917
Collection: 0005 - Photographs: Other Personal Albums
This item is part of: 1915-1920 Grounds Work and Construction Album, olda_000121
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1917. "Cultivating the School Lawn." St. Paul's School. Ohrstrom Library Digital Archives. Web. 19 Jan. 2025.