James Carter Knox


James Carter Knox attended St. Paul’s School from 1862 to 1867 and is a member of the Form of 1865. Knox went on to be a member of the faculty from 1868 – 1929, devoting over 60 years of his life in service to St. Paul’s School.

Arthur Stanwood Pier, in his book, St. Paul’s School 1855-1934 (pg. 103), described Mr. Knox this way:

Although English was the subject he taught, and taught well, he was capable at a moment’s notice of taking the most advanced classes in Latin or French.  His chief work in the school was in music.  During the half century that he was a member of the faculty, he was organist and choir master, and won the devoted affection of all the boys who worked under him in chapel. . . He had a charming tenor voice.  Somewhat early in life he acquired an elderly manner and appearance – elderly yet still debonair.

Willard Scudder, in the obituary that appeared in the Spring 1930 Alumni Horae (pg. 23),  had this to say about Knox’s time at St. Paul’s:

No other has given so long a service to St. Paul’s; no other has wrought a more noble work for St. Paul’s; no other has ended his task at an age so advanced.

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Kimball, Willis G. C. "James Carter Knox." St. Paul's School. Ohrstrom Library Digital Archives. Web. 23 Oct. 2024.