William Throckmorton Putnam


William Throckmorton Putnam attended St. Paul’s School from 1878 to 1884 and is a member of the Form of 1883.

The Autumn 1957 Alumni Horae (pg. 158) obituary provides this information about Putnam:

He was born in Jersey City, New Jersey, the son of the Reverend Fernando C. Putnam and Ada Ann Putnam, and entered St. Paul’s in 1878. He was Treasurer of the Missionary Society, played football (a new sport at the School in those days), and was one of the best runners in the hare-and-hounds. He remained through the then post-graduate Sixth Form year, entered Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut, in 1884, and received his degree there in 1888. For the next thirty-five years he lived at Lake Cushman, Oregon, where he operated the first summer resort in the State of Washington, and was appointed postmaster by President Cleveland. . . His affectionate interest in St. Paul’s School continued all his life.

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Kimball, Willis G. C. "William Throckmorton Putnam." St. Paul's School. Ohrstrom Library Digital Archives. Web. 23 Oct. 2024.