Second Shattuck Crew of 1877


This photograph features the second Shattuck crew team of 1877 and includes the following students:

William Strother Jones attended St. Paul’s School from 1874 to 1877 and is a member of the Form of 1877. The Winter 1935 Alumni Horae (pg. 74) obituary provides this information about Jones:

. . . he came to St. Paul’s as a boy of sixteen, and by his hearty interest in all school matters as well as by his delight in all sports soon won a place of great influence. He entered business upon leaving the school, becoming a broker and a member of the New York Stock Exchange, keeping his membership for over fifty years and serving as a member of the Board of Governors for many of them. He lived for years at Red Bank, N. J., for true to his early training he loved the open air and all kinds of sport.

Edward Coleman Peace attended St. Paul’s School from 1875 to 1879 and is a member of the Form of 1879.

Thomas Anderson Conover Baker attended St. Paul’s School from 1876 to 1879 and is a member of the Form of 1879. The Autumn 1944 Alumni Horae (pg. 131) obituary provides this information about Baker:

An uncle of “Hobey” Baker, ’09, and a relative of the large family of St. Paul’s Bakers and Conovers, he returned to St. Paul’s as a master for a short time after graduation from Princeton. At Princeton he rowed on the crew and played football on the varsity.

Scoville Church Williams attended St. Paul’s School from 1874 to 1877 and is a member of the Form of 1877.

Arthur Bronson Townsend attended St. Paul’s School from 1876 to 1880 and is a member of the Form of 1880.


The back of the card includes the following information about the team:

                                        Age     Height    Weight

Bow W. S. Jones               19.6     5.9½       139¼

2 E. C. Peace                     16.3     5.9          150½

3 J. A. C. Baker                 16         5.7         139

Stroke S. C. Williams          19.3     5.10        144

Cox. A. B. Townsend                                     81

Average                            17.9    5.8¾        144½

Beat by 7 3/7 length.


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Kimball, Willis G. C. 1877. "Second Shattuck Crew of 1877." St. Paul's School. Ohrstrom Library Digital Archives. Web. 17 Sep. 2024.