First Halcyon 1889


The photograph features members of the first Halcyon crew team of 1889:

Standing (left to right):

I. McD Garfield: Irvin McDowell Garfield attended St. Paul’s School from 188 to 1889 and is a member of the Form of 1888. The Autumn 1951 edition of the Alumni Horae (pg. 137) contains this information about Garfield:

Born at Hiram, Ohio, in 1870. he was eleven years old when his father, President Garfield, was assassinated. He entered St. Paul’s in 1885, graduating with his Fifth Form in 1888. but returned for his Sixth Form year. In 1893 he was graduated from Williams College and in 1896 from the Harvard Law School. Shortly thereafter he entered the Boston law firm of Proctor and Warren. At the time of his death he headed Warren, Garfield, Whiteside and Lamson. . . The following tribute to Mr. Garfield was contributed by Malcolm Kenneth Gordon, ’87: “Old boys who were at St. Paul’s in the late ’80’s will remember “Irv” as an outstanding athlete and as a typical all-round boy. He was Captain of the Halcyons in 1889 and in 1888 he was Captain of the Old Hundred football team. He is the only boy who won the Potter Medal for the 440-yard dash three times in succession. He retained his loyalty to the School through all the years and had served as Form Agent since 1947. This year he had attained his ambition to get 100% of his form to contribute to the Alumni Fund. “

E. R. Folger: Ernest Rudolph Folger attended St. Paul’s School from 1888 to 1891 and is a member of the Form of 1891.

J. C. Baldwin: Joseph Clark Baldwin Jr. attended St. Paul’s School from 1884 to 1890 and is a member of the Form of 1889. The Winter 1937 edition of the Alumni Horae (pg. 120) contains this information about Baldwin:

After leaving St. Paul’s, he spent three years in study in Europe before entering business with the New York oil firm of Dodge & Olcutt . . . Mr. Baldwin served four years in Squadron A of the New York National Guard and was a former commissioner of the State Board of Charities. . . He maintained an active and devoted interest in St. Paul’s, both personally and through his sons, and was a generous contributor to the Alumni Fund and the Endowment Fund.

Seated (on furniture, left to right):

A. L. Wheeler: Arthur Ledlie Wheeler attended St. Paul’s School from 1885 to 1891 and is a member of the Form of 1890.

J. M. Goetchius: John Milton Goetchius attended St. Paul’s School from 1885 to 1890 and is a member of the Form of 1890. The Spring 1946 edition of the Alumni Horae (pg. 28) contains this information about Goetchius:

. . . In 1922 he became a Trustee of the School and served in that capacity for nearly twenty years. He was one of the best Trustees the School ever had. His keen mind, deep insight into human nature, splendid experience with business problems, thorough and sound knowledge of finance, capacity for leadership, industry and constant devotion combined to make his membership on the Board a very valuable asset. . . As a boy at the School Jack was a good student and popular with both boys and masters. He played on the Isthmian Football Team and rowed on the Halcyon Crew. He was one of the best oars in the School. Following his five years at the School and one at Andover, he entered the Sheffield Scientific School of Yale University, from which he was graduated in 1894.

J. A. Tompkins: John Almy Tompkins 2d attended St. Paul’s School from 1883 to 1889 and is a member of the Form of 1888. The Summer 1941 edition of the Alumni Horae (pg. 96) contains this information about Tompkins:

. . . in a brilliant architectural career extending from 1894, when he was graduated from Columbia, until his retirement in 1937, has to his credit many outstanding achievements, many in collaboration with Grosvenor Atterbury, his associate. Among these are: American Wing of the Metropolitan Museum, Russell Sage Foundation Bldg., Restoration of New York City Hall, Phipps Model Apartments, West Side Tennis Club, and the chief public buildings and general development of Forest Hills, L. I. Mr. Tompkins, who was born in Baltimore in 1871, spent all of his life in and around New York City except for extensive travel abroad studying architectural design.

Seated (on floor):

F. N. Schwartz: Frank Nicholson Schwartz is listed as a Third Former in the 1889 Record, and was coxswain.

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Kimball, Willis G. C. "First Halcyon 1889." St. Paul's School. Ohrstrom Library Digital Archives. Web. 23 Oct. 2024.