Grenville Kane


Grenville Kane attended St. Paul’s School from 1867 to 1871 and is a member of the Form of 1871.

His obituary appeared in the Autumn 1943 issue of the Alumni Horae (pg. 125), and is excerpted below:

… Mr. Kane was a sportsman and bibliophile as well as lawyer and financier. Five times golf champion of the Tuxedo Club and an expert billiard player, he was also a devotee of tennis and is said not to have missed a Newport Tennis Week in forty-five years. In the late ’80’s he attracted attention when he sailed the racing yacht Ailsa across the Atlantic to take part in the Cowes Regatta. A collector of first editions, Mr. Kane was an advisor and consultant on rare books for the N. Y. Public Library, the J. P. Morgan Library and the Carter Brown Library, Providence.



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"Grenville Kane." St. Paul's School. Ohrstrom Library Digital Archives. Web. 23 Oct. 2024.