The Reverend Dr. Joseph Howland Coit, Second Rector: 1895-1906


In June 1895 the Trustees elected the Reverend Dr. Joseph Howland Coit as the School’s Second Rector. For thirty years the Reverend Dr. Coit had served as Vice Rector. He was devoted to his brother the Reverend Dr. Henry Coit, the First Rector of St. Paul’s School, and absolutely loyal to his policies. In a letter to Trustee Samuel Eliot, he wrote:

I am trying to honor his memory by a faithful, untiring but humble effort to keep alive the methods, the traditions, the spirit with which he conducted the school.

The Reverend Dr. Joseph Coit served the School faithfully as Rector from 1895 until his death in 1906.

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Kimball Studio. "The Reverend Dr. Joseph Howland Coit, Second Rector: 1895-1906." St. Paul's School. Ohrstrom Library Digital Archives. Web. 24 Jan. 2025.