One of the sleighs


This photograph shows a sleigh filled with students with the note: “One of the sleighs for the ride on Washington’s birthday.”   The March 18, 1890 edition of the Horae Scholasticae has this description of the day:

Saturday, February the twenty-second, was cold and clear, and the sleighing, about which there had been no little doubt, was, thanks to the recent fall of snow, quite good.

As soon as Chapel was over, the large sleighs and cutters, which were to carry a large party to Shaker Village, drew up in front of the Study, and about one hundred and twenty-five fellows took their places and set out on their long ride.  They arrived at Canterbury about noon, and, after buying the usual amount of candy, seeing the barns, stock, and other objects of interest, had an excellent dinner, and then started for Penacook to attend the fair given by Mr. Valpey’s parish.

This sleigh has the words “Eagle Stable” and “Brown and Abbott” painted on the side. This photograph was taken on February 22, 1890.

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Hastings, Theodore Mitchell. 1890. "One of the sleighs." St. Paul's School. Ohrstrom Library Digital Archives. Web. 23 Oct. 2024.