Presidential Libraries

Is your Hum. 4 paper researching an important moment, decision, personality related to a particular U.S. President? In the U.S., many past Presidents each have a presidential library devoted to collecting, curating and making accessible content created both by, during … Continued

Humanities Four: Research Paper

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Welcome, fourth form research paper!  To accompany the project, here is the research guide ( that collects and curates those library eCollections most helpful for this assignment. Questions about any of the included sources?  Would you like a research consultation?  … Continued

New Reference Book: The 2000s in America

The 2000s in America edited by Craig Belanger, Salem Press, 2013. Find it in Ohrstrom at: REF 973.92 SA3 2000 Over 400 subject essays span this 3-volume set.  Essays focus on important people, ideas, and innovations of the 2000’s.  Volume three … Continued

Bibliographic Mining: What is it?

posted in: Humanities, Research | 0

Bibliographic Mining What is it? Bibliographic Mining is studying the bibliographies of the items you are consulting in your research & then locating and utilizing those same cited sources. For example, you might mine the bibliography of a: reference article, … Continued