ebrary eBook Reader – There’s an App for that!

ebrary recently released an app for iOS devices.  After downloading the app, one can then download & read offline, up to 10 ebrary ebooks for up to 2 weeks.

Ohrstrom Library’s ebrary collection currently contains 72,000 ebooks, predominantly academic titles published within the last 10 years.

To download the app, first sign in to your ebrary account.  To create an account, click the same sign in-link while on the SPS network, & create an account with a user name and password of your choosing.

To download the app and ebooks one also needs an Adobe account.  https://www.adobe.com/cfusion/membership  (Users that have already created an ebrary account probably created an Adobe account at that same time).

Once an ebrary and an Adobe account are in place, one can download the ebrary app onto an iOS device(s).


Questions about the app or the library’s ebook collections?  Please feel to contact Lura Sanborn (lsanborn at sps dot edu) with questions or to arrange for a personal ebook tour.


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