School Eleven, 1889


The cricket team of 1889, shown here with cricket professional Samuel Morley on the far left (seated, holding a cricket ball), had a very successful summer tour of Canada.  Arthur Stanwood Pier, in his book, St. Paul’s School 1855-1934, described it this way:

In subsequent years the school eleven extended their itinerary, playing in Boston and in Philadelphia as well as in Hoboken and in New York. Their most ambitious expedition, undertaken when the game was enjoying the height of its prestige, was their tour of Canada in the summer of 1889, under the management of Mr. Charles A. Mitchell, a highly respected teacher of Greek. The eleven stayed at the school for a week after the end of the spring term in order to practice. Their professional, Morley, accompanied them on the tour, as did also two boys, not members of the team, who travelled, one in the capacity of special reporter, the other in that of scorer. Malcolm Kenneth Gordon was captain; the masters who played on the eleven were Rev. James P. Conover, Mr. William H. Foster, Mr. Godfrey M. Brinley, and Mr. James S. Hodges. The team arrived in Montreal on June 30, began their first match there July 1, and played every day except Sunday until the 13th. . . Their trip, which cost about $1070, defrayed by subscription, was highly successful, as they won seven out of eight games, being beaten only by Upper Canada College.

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Kimball Studio. "School Eleven, 1889." St. Paul's School. Ohrstrom Library Digital Archives. Web. 23 Oct. 2024.