Form Plaque: 1883
The following description was written by John Gregory Wiggins in the June 6, 1929 edition of the Horae Scholasticae:
At the beginning of this School year was formed the Scientific Association, which important event seems to warrant a shield all to itself. Four medals have been struck off and placed in the corners of the quatrefoil, representing great moments in science. First: Dr. Franklin holding a lightning rod; 2d, Christopher Columbus showing just how to break an egg; 3rd, Leonardo da Vinci, having just completed the invention of the wheelbarrow; and Archimedes, of Syracuse, in the act of discovering the laws of specific gravity in his bathtub, and just about to shout “Εύρηκα!”
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Persons: Wiggins, John Gregory
Type: Image, Photograph
Location: Coit Upper Dining Hall, Concord, New Hampshire, St. Paul's School
Building: Coit (The New Upper)
Form Year: 1883
Rectorship: 1856-1895: First Rector H. A. Coit Years, 1911-1938: Fourth Rector Drury Years
Collection: 0001 - Photographs: General Collection
This item is part of: olda_000030, The Drury Albums
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"Form Plaque: 1883." St. Paul's School. Ohrstrom Library Digital Archives. Web. 19 Jan. 2025.