Form Plaque: 1928


This unattributed description, most likely written by John Gregory Wiggins, appeared in the Spring 1932 edition of the Alumni Horae:

This panel shows a rural scene with a rising moon on which the numerals appear. The roosting birds, owl, eagle, pelican, and cock stand for the four new dormitories. The turkey hurrying below, reminds us of the revival of the Turkey run, abandoned a few years before. The charging bull calls to mind that two members of the faculty, both men of dignity and presence, were chased by such an animal about this time. One took refuge in a tree. The other during his escape noticed the only prothonotary warbler ever seen in New Hampshire. The warbler is indicated on a lower branch.

Click HERE to access a PDF of the Alumni Horae article.

The Horae Scholasticae of June 6, 1929, has this to add:

St. Paul’s School is credited with a notable feat in the discovery hereabout of the Prothonotary Warbler, by Mr. Welsh.  This warbler’s normal habitat is in the Mississippi Valley, and the regions adjoining, so that its presence in these localities is a little short of phenomenal, and seems quite inexplicable.  It has never before been observed so far north, or, if observed, no record of the fact exists.

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"Form Plaque: 1928." St. Paul's School. Ohrstrom Library Digital Archives. Web. 23 Oct. 2024.