It’s Cold Outside!
It’s COLD outside, but that doesn’t stop us here in Millville! From skating on Lower School Pond to snowy walks in the woods, there is lots to do outside if you bundle up! You can even check out snowshoes from … Continued
It’s COLD outside, but that doesn’t stop us here in Millville! From skating on Lower School Pond to snowy walks in the woods, there is lots to do outside if you bundle up! You can even check out snowshoes from … Continued
It has been snowing here in Millville! And snowing! And then snowing some more! We have to admit, it has been pretty here on the grounds, with the snow settling into the trees and onto the rooftops. We took lots … Continued
It is a very snowy day in Millville today. All the windows of Ohrstrom frame the perfect winter scene wherever you look. This view through the grand windows of Baker Reading Room looks out over recently frozen Lower School Pond. #ohrstromlibrary #bakerreadingroom #winter #snowfall #winterinmillville #librariesofinstagram #iglibraries #robertamsternarchitects #lowerschoolpond #iamsps #mackintosh
Winter has arrived in Millville! Here is a picture of the Old Chapel in winter for #throwbackthursday . This Kodak No. 2 photograph was taken in 1890 by student Theodore Mitchell Hastings, SPS Form of 1894. #ohrstromlibrary #ohrstromlibrarydigitalarchives #oldchapel #millville #chapelofstpaul #winter #snowfall #spshistory #iamsps
Slip slidin’ away: The side-walks this winter have excited much comment . . .to say that they have been dangerous would be to pass the matter over lightly, and to try and describe the sad experiences of some of our … Continued