Chronicle of Higher Education: Site License

The Library is very happy to share its recent purchase of a site license to The Chronicle of Higher Education. What does this mean? Anybody using the campus computer network can view articles at Anybody using the campus computer … Continued

New Reference Book: Voter Turnout in the United States 1788-2009

Voter Turnout in the United States 1788-2009 by Curtis Gans, CQ Press, 2011. Find it in Ohrstrom at: REF 324.973 G15V A record of voter turnout in America.  Included elections: president, state governor, and House of Representatives. Examples: State Gubernatorial General … Continued

New Reference Book: Encyclopedia of Contemporary LGBTQ Literature of the United States

Encyclopedia of Contemporary LGBTQ Literature of the United States edited by Emmanuel S. Nelson, ABC-CLIO, 2009. Find it in Ohrstrom at: REF 810.9 N33E This two volume set presents over 300 reference articles important to the field of LGBTQ literature … Continued

New Reference Book: The Incredibly Wealthy

The Incredibly Wealthy edited by Howard Bromberg, Salem, 2011. Find it in Ohrstrom at: REF 305.5 B78i This three volume set presents over 440 biographical reference articles about  incredibly wealthy people from around the globe from the deep past to … Continued

New Reference Book: The Thirties in America

The Thirties in America edited by Thomas Tandy Lewis, Salem Press, 2011. Find it in Ohrstrom at: REF 973.92 SA3 1930 Almost 700 essays span this 3-volume set.  Essays focus on important people, ideas, and innovations of the 1930s.  Volume … Continued