Mr. Hargate


A Kodak No. 2 type photograph taken in 1890 by Theodore Mitchell Hastings, Form of 1894, while a student at St. Paul’s School.

Shown in the photograph is the Rev. John Hargate, Form of 1860, and member of the faculty from 1860 to 1906.

Arthur Stanwood Pier, in his book, St. Paul’s School 1855-1934, described the Rev. Mr. Hargate this way:

He had been one of the first boys to go to St. Paul’s School, and after his graduation he had continued at the school as a master. Thus his entire life from the age of twelve or thirteen was passed at St. Paul’s. . . Mr. Hargate was less than five feet in height, but notwithstanding his small stature he was a power in the school.  With his finely shaped head and features and clear bluish gray eyes he gave at once an impression of alertness and force which was confirmed on further acquaintance.  A strict disciplinarian, he was nevertheless very much liked by the boys.


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Hastings, Theodore Mitchell. 1890. "Mr. Hargate." St. Paul's School. Ohrstrom Library Digital Archives. Web. 23 Oct. 2024.