William Crawford Sheldon


William Crawford Sheldon attended St. Paul’s School from 1872 to 1878 and is a member of the Form of 1878.

The Spring 1928 Alumni Horae (pg. 28-29) obituary for Sheldon describes him as:

. . .  a man who had a talent for friendship. Not many men have been beloved as he was by those who knew him. He, in turn, was steadfast to his friends and never failed one when in need. St. Paul’s can number few more devoted sons. His heart was wrapped in St. Paul’s memories. Shortly before he died, when he was ill and suffering, against the advice of his doctor he insisted on visiting the school and returned home full of enthusiasm over the improvements and additions which he had observed. As he grew older his affection for the School seemed to increase. He ever took a keen interest in its welfare. . .

In the year 1900 the Sheldon Library was given to St. Paul’s School as a memorial to William C. Sheldon by his four children, George R. Sheldon, William C. Sheldon, Mrs. W. S. P. Prentice and Mrs. Alfred C. Harrison. The Sedilia in the Chapel were also given in 1897 by the Sheldon family in memory of the father.



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Mora. "William Crawford Sheldon." St. Paul's School. Ohrstrom Library Digital Archives. Web. 23 Oct. 2024.