Form Plaque: 1864


This photo is of the Form plaque carving for 1864 on display in the Coit Upper Dining Hall that was completed by woodcarver John Gregory Wiggins sometime between November of 1922 and May of 1923.

The following description of the design was written by Wiggins in the June 7, 1923 edition of the Horae Scholasticae:

The upper and lower left show a boy ringing a bell, commemorative of the continued Federal success, and the new School bell which was installed during that year.  The upper right is a likeness of U. S. Grant who took command and pushed Lee so vigorously at this time.  The Rural Record tells us that the carpenters would not co-operate with the School while at work.  (A new school-house was being built then.)  The scholars were much disturbed by the continual hammering.  The lower right shows a boy at his desk with mind distraught.  From the same source we hear of a holiday given because of the extra fine weather when three separate parties paddled down the Sluice to the Merrimack (lower center).  In the same year a boy narrowly escaped being gored by a bull (right and left corners).

Click the thumbnail on the left to see the original concept drawing created by Wiggins as part of the design process for this carving.

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"Form Plaque: 1864." St. Paul's School. Ohrstrom Library Digital Archives. Web. 22 Oct. 2024.