Hopeful Romantics: Accessing the Romantic Poets

Humanities V students are hopeful about finding sources for their Romantic poets assignment.  Here are helpful tips and research strategies for accessing just the right information at Ohrstrom Library, outlined in the following five easy steps: 1. Search the Library’s … Continued

New Database: American History in Video

Ohrstrom Library is pleased to announce its subscription to American History in Video.  This database provides access to over 5,000 titles from the 1920s to 2008 including: newsreels, documentaries and government footage. Every video includes a complete and fully searchable … Continued

Fourth Form Paper: Go with the Flowchart!

You’ve received your assignment and had your class with Ms. Sanborn in the library, but where do you go from there?  Go with the flowchart – the Fourth Form Paper Flowchart, that is. The Fourth Form Paper Flowchart was developed … Continued