Dedication of Statue: Sheldon Library Terrace


This picture was taken on June 6, 1906, during the dedication of the memorial of the Spanish-American War.  The sculpture is shown draped in the American flag just prior to the unveiling, which was held as part of the School’s Fiftieth Anniversary celebration.

In St. Paul’s: The Life of a New England School, August Heckscher describes St. Paul’s response to the Spanish-American War:

The granite-walled terrace of the library became, a few years after its completion, the setting for a memorial to the St. Paul’s men who fought in the Spanish-American War.  This war (1897-1898) roused Millville to a high pitch of patriotic fervor and struck a responsive chord among St. Paul’s alumni wherever they were.  It was a St. Paul’s graduate, Hamilton Fish, Jr., [Form of 1890] serving under Colonel Theodore Roosevelt, who became the first American to be killed in action. . . Later Roosevelt visited the school at Anniversary and expressed in person his admiration for the six St. Paul’s graduates who had served in his regiment.

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"Dedication of Statue: Sheldon Library Terrace." St. Paul's School. Ohrstrom Library Digital Archives. Web. 10 Feb. 2025.